Good Morning, Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Juicing!
Current Weight: 186.4 lbs.
My day started with a breakfast of the juice that remained from yesterday's breakfast PLUS spinach leaves, a handful of red grapes and store-bought pineapple juice (not shown in photo).
It is nice to know that I don't have to drink or throw out my juice, when I make too much for one serving.
I must say that with all of the juicing, I wasn't "discarding" as much waste as I thought I should have been...until this morning. What I forgot to do was drink more WATER. The extra fiber in the veggies and fruit should have created more mass; however, I just wasn't seeing it. So, last night I resumed my water intake. (I keep a full glass of water by my bed, so that I can drink during the night.) Adding more water to my body seemed to do the trick...
I'm down to 186.4 lbs which is the second lowest weight that I have registered since I started keeping track on Aug. 1, 2010. (On 12/6/10, I weighed 186.00 lbs.)
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