Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2011: New Year, Healthier Me!

Well, it's less than five days 'til Christmas and all is relatively well. I have decided to give this food diary blog another shot. In 2010, I was busy with teaching my ESOL students and took on additional duties as an after-school environmental educator. However, as I move into 2011, I know that I have to be more deliberate about the way in which I approach being healthy. For me, that will begin with sticking writing my daily entries into this food diary.

This 180 degree about face was inspired by an article that I read in First for Women magazine (January 10, 2011 issue). On the cover is a smiling Dr. Mehmet Oz. The claim states that he has the #1 fat cure. REALLY? Well... I just HAD to buy this issue to see for myself.
On page 32, the claims start about juicing and losing. I read every word AND decided to see if his claim could work for me.
MY STATS: For more than five years, I have tried to lose weight. I had a personal trainer for two years (2008-2010) and the weight didn't budge. In 2010, at 43 (now 44) years old, I maxed out at 200 lbs. After guidance from my nutritionist, Chandra Carty, I watched my diet, started this blog and managed to lose down to 188.8 (as of 12-20-10).
Many people may think that 188.8 is a good size. For me, standing at 5' 4" my weight and height place me in the obese category. I have bouts with depression, fatigue, eczema, hypertension and stress. So, what could I lose by trying this "fat cure" from Dr. Oz and resuming work with Dr. Carty? Well...actually...I COULD lose unwanted pounds, get more energy and get off my hypertension medicine.
The hardest part of this self-help challenge will be to maintain this DAILY blog. Even though I love to write...I'm actually passionate about it...finding the time for entries will provide a challenge for me. However, on this 21st day of December 2010, I will make the following 2011 goals for myself and my health.

GOAL #1: Place at least ONE entry into this food dairy per day.
GOAL #2: Juice at least once per day.
GOAL #3: Record my weight every TWO days. (Goal = 175-180lbs.)
GOAL #4: Record my inches every week.
GOAL #5: Get off hypertension medication.
GOAL #6: Inspire my significant other, Tim, to join me in getting healthier.

Pray for me and my ability to find a healthier me! I hope that you come along for the ride, Chandra.

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