Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 30: Good Timing Juice and FOREIGN GROWN PRODUCE

Arrived at home about 6:15 and decided to go straight into exercising. Zumba really took the edge off and got rid of my "work" headache.

Dinner: Chix sandwich from Chic-Fil-A, a homemade salad with romaine lettuce, tomatoes and green onions with lemon as a salad dressing.

After-dinner juice: two 1/2 pineapple slices, an apple and two celery stalks, juice...then blended with about 10 spinach leaves. It really hit the spot.

NOTE: As a member of Georgia Organics, I pride myself on fresh fruit grown as close to home as possible. Today, I noticed that my pineapples came from Honduras and my cantaloupe came from Guatemala...What the HAY is really going on? Can't local stores buy local food or at least food grown in the U.S.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am not racist. I teach ESOL and love my kids, as well as the cultures that they bring with them. My concern is for the quality of the raw, "fresh" food that I eat. Why should I eat food from hundreds of miles away, when Mr. Local Farmer has quality produce down the street.

Is that crazy or is it just me?

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